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Język angielski, matura 2019 - poziom dwujęzyczny - pytania i odpowiedzi

DATA: 8 maja 2019 r.
CZAS PRACY: 180 minut
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Zadanie 1. (0–4)
You are going to hear three people talking about their baking disasters. For questions below, choose the right speaker (A–C). One speaker must be chosen twice. You will hear the recording twice.
Which speaker says that
Zadanie 1.1.
the cookies were ruined after they had been exposed to a sudden drop in temperature?
Zadanie 1.2.
he/she made a mess while trying to save the dough from burning?
Zadanie 1.3.
a kitchen appliance got damaged while he/she was making the cookies?
Zadanie 1.4.
the baked cookies were inadvertently flung off the tray?
Zadanie 2. (0–6)
You are going to hear two texts. For questions below, choose the answer which best matches what you have heard by circling the appropriate letter. You will hear the recording twice.
Text 1
Zadanie 2.1.
Ann began her quest for books by writers from foreign countries because she realized
Zadanie 2.2.
How did Ann manage to achieve her goal?
Zadanie 2.3.
Answering the last question, Ann uses the word bookpacking to mean
Text 2
Zadanie 2.4.
During the selection process, Utzon’s design
Zadanie 2.5.
While working on the construction of the Opera House, Utzon
Zadanie 2.6.
In the recording, the speaker
Zadanie 3. (0–5)
You are going to hear a text about the subway in New York. Based on what you hear, complete the gap in each sentence. You will hear the recording twice.
Zadanie 3.1.
Before you register for a tour of the City Hall station, you have to ____________________________ of the New York Transit Museum.
Zadanie 3.2.
The unique design elements of the City Hall station ____________________________ because the station has been closed since 1945.
Zadanie 3.3.
The story presented in the New York Times was funny because the little boy was convinced that the sculpture ____________________________.
Zadanie 3.4.
Keron Thomas prepared to take over one of the subway trains by ____________________________ and then studying it thoroughly.
Zadanie 3.5.
The crucial mistake Keron Thomas made while driving the train was ____________________________.
1. Wymagane są odpowiedzi na pytania zgodne z treścią wysłuchanego tekstu.
2. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.
3. Błędy ortograficzne i gramatyczne niezakłócające komunikacji nie wpływają na ocenę odpowiedzi zdającego.
Zadanie 4. (0–7)
Read two texts about human memory. Choose the answer that best matches the text.
Text 1


On a hot August afternoon in 2011, as rioters looted and cars burned in the streets, a group of police officers were gathered in a room in London. Projected on the wall was the blurry shape of a man with a black woolen hat pulled deep over his forehead and a red bandana covering all but his eyes. Security cameras had tracked the man setting fire to cars, stealing from shops and attacking passers-by. At that moment, Constable Gary Collins walked in. He took one look and said, “That’s Stephen Prince.” The last time he had come face to face with Stephen Prince was in 2005. It was just a fleeting encounter in court, but it was enough. Over a two-week time span prior to the meeting, Collins had identified 180 suspects out of 4000 captured by security cameras in the London riots. Meanwhile, other officers who had applied profile and facial recognition software had managed to identify just one suspect.

With its estimated one million security cameras, London is pioneering a new area of detection, one that could be cheaper than DNA analysis and fingerprinting and relies above all on human superpowers. Scotland Yard’s ever-expanding team of super recognizers is made up of men and women from across the force who score at the top end of a facial recognition test originally devised at Harvard in 2009. Constable Collins, the star of the unit, is in the rarefied top 1 percent range. The term ‘super recognizers’ was coined in 2009 by Richard Russell, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard, whose work inspired the police authorities to make use of super recognizers’ skills. Russell was studying people with prosopagnosia, that is face blindness. He found that about 2 percent of people had a very poor ability to recognize faces. Then he grew curious if there were people at the other end of the spectrum, with extraordinary facial recall. Russell tested four individuals who believed they had superior face-recognition ability. The tasks included the Face Memory Test and a quiz in which participants have to identify celebrities from photographs taken mostly when they were children. All four participants scored far better than the norm. When Russell did larger-scale experiments, he concluded that 1 or 2 percent of people were super recognizers.

Constable Collins, an unassuming man with cropped graying hair and a soft Cockney lilt, patrols the same streets in North London he grew up in. He has become famous among colleagues and villains alike. One of his colleagues likens his mind to a rotating file, “You show him a photo, 30 seconds later the name pops up. And he’s always on the mark.” It turns out, however, that super recognizers’ ability to remember silhouettes and faces is rarely matched by the ability to remember other details of their lives. It is unbelievable that Constable Collins, who has identified over 800 suspects, is incapable of remembering a shopping list.

Possessing such a skill is not without its pitfalls. When off duty, Constable Collins tends to stare at people a bit too long. Once he was almost punched by a teenager. “Some think I’m being provocative, but I can’t help it,” he said. He deliberately moved out of London to avoid running into wanted faces from his beat. But this is not a foolproof solution. Recently, he had to cut short an outing to the mall with his sons when he recognized a gaggle of gang members while buying sneakers. He reckons that his oldest son, 11 years old and soccer-obsessed, is also able to recognize faces. “He knows football players in countries and teams I haven’t even heard of and immediately gives the names once they appear on TV. Who knows, one day he might become a super recognizer as well.”

adapted from http://nymag.com
Zadanie 4.1.
At the meeting in London, Constable Collins
Zadanie 4.2.
In the second paragraph, the aim of the author is
Zadanie 4.3.
Which of the following sentences is NOT true about Constable Collins’ ability?

Text 2


Amos Decker, finally back on duty, sat on a bench, waiting. A sparrow zipped across in front of him, narrowly dodged a passing car before soaring upward, catching a breeze, and drifting away. He noted the make, model, plate number, and physical descriptions of all the passengers in the car before it passed him by. Then a bus rolled to a stop nearby. He ran his gaze over it, making the same observations. A plane soared overhead, low enough for him to recognize it as a United 737, a later model because of the winglets. Sleek, silver, fast, bullet-like. Two young men walked past. Observed, recorded. Next, a woman with a dog. A German shepherd. Not that old but with bad hips. Probably dysplasia, common in the breed. Recorded. A man jabbering away on his smartphone. Dressed far too nicely. Maybe a hedge fund manager, malpractice lawyer, or real estate developer. Memory stored. On the other side of the street an old woman in a wheelchair was being rolled out of a medical transport van. Imprinted.

Cataloguing observations has become habitual though unintentional for him. Amos Decker noted all of this and more as his mind sorted through everything that was in front of him. Deducing here and there. Speculating sometimes. Guessing other times. He closed his eyes to block out his recent street observations, though it was all still there, like a cinema screen on the inside of his eyeballs. It would always be there. He often wanted to forget what he had just seen. But everything in his head was recorded in permanent marker. He either dialled it up when needed or it popped up of its own accord. The former was helpful, the latter infinitely frustrating.

A few long months earlier, tormented by compulsive memories of his wife prematurely passing away, he had hit rock bottom. He ceased to see his clients and gave up all his cases. He lost the house to foreclosure, and “downsized” to a sleeping bag in the park. Bloated, dirty, wild-haired, bushy-bearded, he looked as if he was living in a cave somewhere, attempting to conspire with aliens. And he pretty much was, until he woke up in a Walmart parking lot one morning not long ago, staring at a Georgia-Pacific logo on the inside of his corrugated box and had the churning epiphany that Cassie would have been deeply ashamed of what he had become. So he cleaned himself up, worked a bunch of odd jobs and saved some dollars to temporarily move into a room in the suburbs. He hung out his Private Investigator shingle and took whatever cases came his way. They were mostly lowball, low pay, but they were something. His beard was still bushy, his hair still pretty wild, but his clothes were reasonably clean. Progress was always to be measured in inches, especially when you didn’t have yards or even feet of success to show off.

Suddenly, a loud bang brought him back to reality. As he looked to his left, he saw it was time to get to the next stage of his surveillance. He rose and headed after the two people he’d been waiting for.

adapted from Memory Man by David Baldacci
Zadanie 4.4.
While sitting on the bench, Amos
Zadanie 4.5.
The second paragraph focuses on
Zadanie 4.6.
After his wife’s death, Amos
Zadanie 4.7.
After overcoming his emotional crisis, Amos
Zadanie 5. (0–4)
Read the article. Four fragments have been removed from the text. Complete each gap with the fragment which fits best and put the appropriate letter (A–E) in each gap. There is one fragment which you do not need to use.
Zadanie 5.1.
Colours have long been believed to affect our behaviour and the way we feel. After all, it’s the first thing we register and use to help assess the things around us, such as whether foods of a certain colour, for example blue, might be poisonous. These pass into the part of the brain that rules our hormones and endocrine system, which are instrumental in regulating our moods. Unconsciously, then, our eyes and bodies constantly adapt to these stimuli, influencing our impulses and perceptions.
Zadanie 5.2.
While the scientific study of colour is as old as time, the study of colour’s effects on our psyche is much younger. Even two decades ago, the common perception was that, because our response to colour is subjective, it must also be unpredictable. It was the leading UK colour psychologist Angela Wright who, by studying colour harmonies and the often unconscious thought processes related to them, developed a means of predicting our reactions to colour with remarkable accuracy. The key factor is that it is not one colour that triggers our responses, but a combination of shades, dyes or tinges that the human eye can distinguish. For example, a grey sky over a summer cornfield will evoke quite a different emotion than a grey winter sky downtown.
Zadanie 5.3.
To apply colour psychology successfully, Wright also recognized the need to match the individual’s personality with the appropriate tonal colour family. There are four of these – spring, summer, autumn and winter – each reflecting nature’s patterns, and every shade falls into one of these categories. Even if very different characters reside together in one house, the right colour palette can ease tensions and help create harmony.
Zadanie 5.4.
Therefore, there are no wrong colours per se, but different colour schemes do prompt different responses. It was determined that a bubble-gum pink colour should be used to soothe juvenile delinquents who are behaving violently. When violent juveniles are placed in a small cell coloured in bubble gum pink, they are noted to calm down, stop yelling and usually fall asleep quickly. Colour can affect a person’s behaviour because it can change the way a person feels. It can affect mood, feelings and emotions, as studied in the field of colour psychology.
adapted from www.resene.co.nz; www.reference.com
A. It’s called the Colour Affects System and works on two levels: the psychological properties of each of the 11 basic colours and the roles that variations in tones, hues and tints can play in achieving a desired psychological effect.

B. There have been incidents of erratic or hostile behaviour during the initial phase of confinement. Despite the exposure to colour, it was not confirmed that the potential for violent or aggressive behaviour as well as low spirits among inmates could be reduced.

C. Many businesses, schools, hospitals and public institutions use the guidelines of colour psychology to achieve a desired result. One of the most extreme cases where a colour is used to change a behaviour is at the San Bernardino County Probation Department in California.

D. To understand why this happens, we need to look at how colour works. Essentially, when the light reflected from objects strikes the retinas in our eyes, the wavelengths are converted into electrical impulses.

E. Once this connection has been made, colour combinations can be created that will help turn homes into spaces that reflect and support the personalities of those living there.

Zadanie 6. (0–4)
Read the text. Choose the appropriate paragraph (A–E). One paragraph does not match any of the questions.
In which paragraph does the author
Zadanie 6.1.
mention a pet’s indifference to the new advertising technique?
Zadanie 6.2.
use an expression which emphasizes the determination of advertisers?
Zadanie 6.3.
describe how advertisers intend to make use of an ability dogs possess to attract their attention to an ad?
Zadanie 6.4.
include an ironic self-assessment of his/her own behaviour?

A. Startled by a sudden bout of barking in your neighbourhood at around seven o’clock last night? Deafened by a collective howl of longing? Manufacturers of dog foods will be hoping so. Last night, ITV broadcast the UK’s first advert ever targeted at dogs, featuring high-pitched sounds that are inaudible to the human ear. Dogs are notoriously immune to visuals on screen, but the advert, with noises above 17,000 Hertz, had been proven to distract dogs enough for them to leave a toy and react to the television. This, in theory, will convince gullible owners that dogs are desperate for the advertised products.

B. Your first reaction to this – like mine – might well be to let out a melancholy howl yourself. But it is simply a natural progression, because animals are the new marketing frontier. Adults, in the age of the Internet, are now altogether too canny. And as an audience for adverts, children are strictly regulated and annoyingly prone to switches of allegiance. But dogs – can there be a better example of blind and undying loyalty? They are dream consumers. I’m only surprised that nobody thought of it before.

C. Pet owners are, after all, completely crazy when it comes to their animals’ supposed wants. We all know of dogs that apparently “won’t eat” anything but grilled chicken. I visited a friend recently whose house rabbit had no fewer than four kinds of rabbit treats laid out in bowls in front of the fireplace. What happened to the humble carrot? Our increasing anthropomorphism means that even sensible people interpret their own animals as having distinct emotions and desires, which means we have lost all perspective. Mind you, this is written by someone who impulse-bought a device for removing “unsightly chin hair” from a horse last week. Seriously! I had the impression he was feeling bad about it.

D. And the advertising specialists have latched onto pet adverts with the ruthlessness of a terrier with a stick of beef jerky. For years, the pet world was fairly limited in its opportunities for expenditure. You bought food and bedding and perhaps, every few years, a less tatty lead. Now, however, animals have become another outlet for our own rampant consumerism. If sales go up, I predict that within months we will have a whole slew of new animal marketing tricks.

E. However, the Kennel Club yesterday expressed concern that some noise-sensitive dogs may be spooked. They confirm that a dog’s needs are actually pretty simple: food, warmth, love, exercise. “Dogs,” a spokesperson said, “cannot always be trusted to know what’s best for them.” As someone who once had to dissuade their dog from a wax-crayon, I can only agree. But based on my own experiment, the Kennel Club needn’t worry too much. I have now played the ad three times to Alfie (a Border Terrier) and he didn’t twitch an eyebrow. However, when I said, “Would you like a sausage? Would you?” it reduced him to hysterics. Manufacturers of dog foods, you can have that one on me.
adapted from www.telegraph.co.uk

Zadanie 7. (0–5)
Read the text. Choose the word or phrase which fits best in each gap.
Zadanie 7.1.
Garrett McNamara grew up in Massachusetts in a region not as popular for surfing as California or Hawaii. If it hadn’t been for his mother’s decision to move to Kailua, Hawaii, he to surf at all. In his youth, he used to surf small waves until his friends made him try bigger ones.
Zadanie 7.2.
“The of someone becoming a famous surfer in Massachusetts is negligible,” he jokes.
Zadanie 7.3.
Garrett holds the world record for the largest wave ever surfed. The wave he surfed in Nazaré, Portugal, on the 28 th of January 2013, was over 100 feet tall. Fortunately, on that day Garrett was there and could the world record. It was such an incredible achievement that some of his fans couldn’t believe it.
Zadanie 7.4.
They had observed his numerous dramatic falls all morning, but he had any possibility of withdrawing from the competition.
Zadanie 7.5.
For centuries Nazaré was a traditional seaside town, where fishermen taught their children to avoid the huge waves that crashed against the nearby cliffs. But after Garrett’s impressive feat made the town popular not only among professionals but also among less experienced surfers, 10,000 villagers who the place to themselves had to adapt to crowds of surfers invading their town all year round.
adapted from http://www.telegraph.co.uk
Zadanie 8. (0–5)
Think of one word only which can be used to complete all three sentences. Write the missing word in the space provided.
Zadanie 8.1.

• As a member of the club, I regularly receive advance ... of upcoming meetings.
• It escaped my ... that my car insurance was not valid.
• Take no ... of what my sister says – she’s very cheeky, you know.
Zadanie 8.2.

• Police eventually ... the charges against the man accused of shoplifting.
• The goalkeeper was ... from the team shortly before the match because of injury.
• He was so tired that he ... into a chair and instantly fell asleep.
Zadanie 8.3.

• It seems that the country’s economy is on the ... of collapse.
• I’m positive that this talented musician will become famous at some ... in the future.
• Though I listened to him carefully, I couldn’t figure out what ... he was trying to make.
Zadanie 8.4.

• I believe he was pretty ... with me when he told me he was mad at me for not telling him the truth.
• She looked so funny that it was difficult to keep a ... face.
• This was an amazing record of 38 ... victories. No one else in the football league has ever accomplished that!
Zadanie 8.5.

• Unless you consent to a criminal ... check, you won’t be eligible for the position at our embassy.
• Last summer was the wettest on ... .
• The politician made it clear to the journalist that her comment on the issue was strictly off the ... .
1. Odpowiedź uznaje się za poprawną tylko wtedy, gdy wpisywane wyrazy lub fragmenty zdań są w pełni poprawne gramatycznie i ortograficznie. Nie bierze się pod uwagę zapisu wielką/małą literą oraz powtórzenia wyrazu podanego przed luką/po luce. Wyjątkiem są słowa, które muszą być pisane po angielsku wielką literą np. Monday, July. W takiej sytuacji brak wielkiej litery jest traktowany jako błąd ortograficzny.
2. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.

Zadanie 9. (0–5)
Complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the first sentence and it is correct in both grammar and spelling. Use the word given. Do not change the word given. Use up to five words including the word given.
Zadanie 9.1.
The police are pursuing a gang of thieves who robbed a jewellery shop and escaped with the diamonds.
A gang of thieves who the diamonds from a jewellery shop is being pursued by the police.
Zadanie 9.2.
The managing director fell ill and is unable to be with us, so his deputy will speak for him.
The deputy director will the managing director, who fell ill.
Zadanie 9.3.
As far as I know, no one is talking about you behind your back.
To , no one is talking about you behind your back.
Zadanie 9.4.
If the plane is delayed, the passengers will be offered alternative flights.
Should of the plane, the passengers will be offered alternative flights.
Zadanie 9.5.
The opening of the new highway was scheduled for last month, but the ceremony was cancelled.
The new highway last month, but the ceremony was cancelled.
1. Odpowiedź uznaje się za poprawną tylko wtedy, gdy wpisywane wyrazy lub fragmenty zdań są w pełni poprawne gramatycznie i ortograficznie. Nie bierze się pod uwagę zapisu wielką/małą literą oraz powtórzenia wyrazu podanego przed luką/po luce. Wyjątkiem są słowa, które muszą być pisane po angielsku wielką literą np. Monday, July. W takiej sytuacji brak wielkiej litery jest traktowany jako błąd ortograficzny.
2. Akceptowane są również inne odpowiedzi, jeżeli są merytorycznie poprawne i spełniają wszystkie warunki zadania.

Zadanie 10. (0–15)
Choose one of the topics below and write a composition following the conventions of the genre indicated in the topic. Use between 300 and 350 words.

1. Czy robotyzacja i sztuczna inteligencja to szansa czy zagrożenie dla ludzkości? Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten temat, odnosząc się do:
• zmian na rynku pracy
• życia rodzinnego i/lub towarzyskiego
• bezpieczeństwa.

2. W czasie nauki w szkole kilkakrotnie zdobywałeś(-aś) nagrody w konkursach z dziedziny, którą się interesujesz. Napisz artykuł, w którym wyjaśnisz, dlaczego właśnie tą dziedziną się interesujesz, opiszesz konkurs, który był dla Ciebie największym wyzwaniem, i udzielisz rad osobom, które chciałyby się do takiego konkursu dobrze przygotować.


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